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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Financial Services - Credit Modeling
    Financial Services Credit Modeling

    Achieving new breakthrough levels of improved lending outcomes requires continuous improvement of credit modeling using the most advanced predictive technologies possible, particularly graph AI.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Financial Services - 360 Degree Customer Insights
    Financial Services 360 Degree Customer Insights

    Organizations have more customer data sources than ever—purchase history, campaign activity, interactions across all channels, demographics and countless more—which together can reveal new, 360-degree customer insights, including predicting future needs and wants.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Life Sciences - RDKit Integration
    Health & Life Sciences RDKit Integration

    The success of your drug discovery innovation efforts depends heavily on the speed and accuracy in which hypotheses can be generated and tested. The Katana Graph intelligence platform fulfills this essential need for life sciences companies in ways alternative solutions simply cannot match.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Security - Intelligent Identity

    The 2020 global pandemic forced organizations to accommodate a sudden, massive spike in remote work, business and communications. Many companies have found their identity and access management (IAM) systems cannot keep up with today’s highly complex and demanding identity landscape.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Katana Graph Intelligence Platform

    Katana Graph provides a Graph Intelligence Platform offering elastic performance at massive scale for Graph Queries (contextual search), Graph Analytics (path finding, centrality and community detection), Graph Mining (pattern discovery), and Graph AI (prediction).

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Security - Intrusion Detection

    Katana Graph Intelligence Platform detects a broad spectrum of intrusions in real time that might otherwise evade traditional IDS tools, through the power of next-generation graph analytics, mining and AI.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Life Sciences - Industry Overview
    Health & Life Sciences Industry Overview: Life Sciences

    Katana Graph offers a breakthrough graph intelligence platform that enables life sciences organizations to reap the huge potential of graph processing and AI, at levels of scale and performance no other data platform can match.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Life Sciences - Drug Discovery
    Health & Life Sciences Drug Discovery

    Katana Graph enables life sciences knowledge workers to store, query, mine and develop AI models using heterogeneous data sources, to reveal breakthrough insights at levels of scale and performance no other data platform can match.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Financial Services - Fraud Detection
    Financial Services Fraud Detection

    Katana Graph has developed a next generation graph intelligence platform that provides breakthrough processing essential for today’s real-time anti-fraud applications. Katana Graph efficiently handles highly complex graph queries, algorithms and deep learning models, at massive scale and speed that other graph solutions simply cannot match.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Security - Industry Overview

    Organizations are actively improving customer engagement and optimizing business operations. New technologies to fulfill these demands have been introduced, from the Internet of Things (IoT) to SaaS solutions capable of managing the most complex networks of customers, partners and distributors. However, these technologies have also become targets for cybercrime.

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  • Data Sheets
    Banner: Financial Services - Industry Overview

    Katana Graph helps financial services companies more effectively detect fraud in real time, while also seizing new business opportunities through expanded, personalized services.

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